Tuesday, December 6, 2011

But my groove caught a snag

So my last post so enthusiastically claimed that I had my groove back.  Well, my groove forgot one thing...and that is...I have an 11-year-old boy.   We spent all of Saturday at the Southeast Regional Yoyo competition.  And yes, I said yo-yo.   Andrew has become quite involved with trick yoyoing with these amazing yoyos that have bearings and spacers that are completely unlike any yo-yo I have ever seen.  At any rate, he competed in the amateur trick ladder and the amateur free-style.  He has never competed before, and while he didn't win, I was truly impressed with the mature way he handled himself.   He viewed it as a learning experience and was happy for his friend who won.

Unfortunately, he had to learn a hard lesson a couple of days later when the same friend who won did not show the same graciousness.  He became jealous that Andrew had started a new line of tricks that involve what is called "off-string" yoyo (exactly what you think -- the yoyo comes off the string during the trick and you have to land it back on the string to complete the trick).     It involved some pretty mean phone calls and an ugly post on Andrew's yoyo blog.   But again, I was impressed how well Andrew handled the situation.  He was hurt and felt betrayed, but he quickly identified others who were his true friends.   (Of course, I secretly want to pull the boys hair out in handfuls... but don't tell Andrew I said that!)

I have started a couple of handbags for gifts and I really need to finish work on a present for my sister, but I think this year, she may have to get something commercial this year.  Andrew has a Mini Mu math competition all day Saturday and I'm hoping to talk George into taking him so that I can possibly spend the day sewing.  

The construction on the house is going fairly well.  The wood floors are in downstairs and they have begun the tiling work in the master bathroom.   Tonight George and I were able to put some living area furniture back into place -- so it is starting to look like home again!  

1 comment:

  1. Hey, email me his yo-yo blog!!! Give him a hug for me and tell him I am proud of him.
